Saturday, 5 February 2011

Just Keep Swimming :)

Had a good day today :)
Dropped Vicky's presents at her house, attached four blown up balloons to the bag with her presents in and one to her door, one of which saying "sorry" for our tiff two days ago.
Bought swim gear with Amelia, funny enough I wouldn't have chosen the bikini I bought, if I had a choice, but I chose it because I wanted it to be a cheapie, and wasn't bothered what it looks like...anyway, funny enough it suits me...well chuffed ...Summer here I come!
Got the taxi to Falmouth Beach Hotel. Was a bit awkward as and Amelia came in the wrong entrance so felt a tad out of place. Finally found the Swimming Pool. I forgot how much I love swimming, the coolness against the skin, the weightlessness, you never feel fat in water, or self conscious and I'm not clumsy in water, but graceful ( to me anyway).  To be able to glide around, and become at one with yourself in just one substance is a rarity. Plus to me, I felt hot. Sexy almost. Not that it mattered much.
The swimming pool was rather busy, which was a bit shit, took ages to find a free Jacuzzi, once we did though, we had a right natter, and catch up, which felt good. To get it all off my chest, and to be able to freely talk for once. I think there's a lot I hold back at college, which is good in someways, but a disadvantage in others. To have someone who knows me, can predict me, and me them, is sometimes refreshing, never having to explain, but to know that they know already, and don't expect me to, because they know me so well. I dunno. Hard to explain.
Anyway, Amelia really wanted to go in the steam room, which we did, didn't spend long in there though, other people in there, making things awkward. Oh and Amelia kept complaining the water was me it wasn' I dunno what she was on about. :P

Changing rooms, took me ages to get there was a woman walking around naked!! I mean WTF!! We were like "Put some clothes on woman!!" She was walking around the BUSY changing room, naked, as if she were in her own room, or home! Some people!!!

So yeah...good Vicky's not pissed off with me!! So all's well again in Ashley World...obv not as good as Salena Soap Land....but still :P

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