Tuesday 28 June 2011

A poem for Amelia, its not very good, but I hope you like it :)

Reverberating laugh, hair of summer colour swept behind her.
A slight over bite of her teeth as she smiles. The overbite that accentuates an overwhelming beauty, hidden with a sutler grace, but not so that its rays cannot heat the people in her surroundings.
Eyes full of a warmth, dark as the earth that gives us life, with tints of light that glisten when she sees someone of importance, when she smells the air after rain, when she uses sweet vocals to enhance a song she loves.
Domineering, long eyebrows crown her eyes, her eyelashes, they flutter and fluctuate as if to make up length, although not needed.
The creases around her eyes when her face brightens, I long to brush my lips against, to kiss them, to enhance the happiness that they show.
Temptress of body, although denied through every moment of word, even in the way she treats the ground.
Benign to the fact that she is alluring, and radiant.
The passion of that she speaks, the emotions that seep out from her, I feel them, even when concealed from the world.
One moment, fills me up with the most unexplainable energy. Words from her that sound some what vulgar but as a joke, I pretend to be insulted and lost. She will laugh, eyes creased, full lips thinned to a smile, and pull me towards her in a hug that knocks the air out of me. That makes me full of her dizzying personality. It fundamentally makes me love her even more for being my friend.

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