Wednesday 13 July 2011

Last night/Tea and Toast

Went to Hopes on Monday night, I was so tired from Flicka and Seb had been driving me mental. However it was nice to see Hope. On Tuesday Hope was planning on going to her friend Freya's (sorry if spellings wrong) end of College party. She didn't really know all the people well enough and was worried about something with George, so asked if I would like to come. So she rang Freya who said it was cool for me to come. Getting Gorran Haven which is where Freya and George live took three hours had to get two buses. But we did a bit of shopping once we got to St Austell and had to wait a while and bought some "make your own puppets" type thing, which we did on the bus. I bought a mini ezal which is amazing!! I just need a little man which a tiny paint brush to complete le look. :) Hope and I had made a cake for Freya in the morning during when we also made pancakes. I dropped it, a nice chav picked it up for me. The cake was indestructible :) Good cake making skills. Anyway, so I basically tried everyone's drinks, met some very nice people :) Danced like a crazy person. Chatted to people. Didn't kiss as many people as before. We yelled at cows in the next field. George turned up at 10 and Hope and him made up I think. I dunno whats with him. I said to Sam, his best friend that I think George is lovely but he needs to set his priorities straight aka Hope. I don't think he likes me anymore. But oh well. Other shit happened. I'm hoping that Jess's pictures of which will be on Facebook will show me in a good light...but I can only hope. :S I was wearing my cookie monster t-shirt, which I remember showing to everyone. :P They're were all very nice people. Might have tried some shit that I shouldn't of. But yeah. Hope left me for a bit, but I was pretty happy. Oh and me and Tom helped Laura into the field full of cows...then had to help her back over the fence. Music was good. Fire was epic...though this morning Freya's parents were not impressed with all the bottles thrown into the fire. They have a Victorian loo!!! I slept in a tent with Lysette, Meg, Hope, Tom and Freya. Hannah was on her own for some odd reason...and Nathan went to bed with Freya's glow ball thing. :P Lysette, George's ex me and Hope came to the conclusion is very nice :) And this morning I was so dizzy, but I never knew that I could love Tea and Toast as much as I did this morning. I was ravenous. Then said goodbye to everyone after Hope journeyed to Georges house to find Nutella, got the buses home, took ages, played cards at the Bus/Train Station in St Austell. Then Hope went to Helston to go to a sleepover thing. Shes gonna be sooooo tired tomorrow. I got picked up by Julie, and then she talked to le family about Ireland, they were cool with it!!!! Yay!!!. Loads more happened last night but im a bit dizzy right now. Probs all of this typing. :P Mucho love :D

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