Sunday 28 August 2011

Pride - being me.

Being me is something that I hate and love.

Although many of my friends claim to know me well, sometimes they do not.

I may not always be there in the world of normality to speak of,  I am careless with my own safety but I only do it to test my ability, to test how far I will go whether I be upset or happy.

Freedom to express myself is the main thing I aim for.
As well as to be confident, to not only stand up for myself against those who judge me, but my friends as well.

I hate being viewed in an negative light, I fear rejection, I seek love, yet I reject that as well.

Plus the fact that being me is also being attracted to both men and women. Admitting it to those closest to me was the best thing I have ever done. It suits me, being it, as well as not hiding a attraction I have had for many years.

I am not perfect and I make no attempt to be so, nor do I expect others to wish it.

No person knows the other a hundred per cent, even I don't know myself or why I do things. But I know where I stand, my morals, and the fact that no matter what I do my friends will never discuss my shortcomings in a compromising way, that they will be there for me, as I will be there for them.

Thus to conclude I think I must include the cheesy phrase  "my friends are my family" 
Because well, without Amelia, Hope, Vicky, Luke, John. (Plus others but I cant list you all....sorry) I would be lost. 

You all mean so much to me, you have no idea. You are what makes me, me. :P 

Love you all :)

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