Thursday 8 September 2011


So me and John yesterday were really early for the bus because Mia had dropped us into Camborne College early, so we decided to have a wander. We go passed a skip and find all these arty things. Like two massive art pieces, really well done, full of colour and texture, with figures in them if you look closely. Plus a seat that rocks, made out of wood and tires, again really well done. I was a bit confused to why they were there. Those types of things, if I had made them, I would have been proud of. We went up in to the art department in Camborne college and saw two of the lecturers, of which told me that they throw out masses of art work that their students cant be bothered to take home or keep every year. I was outraged. I couldn't believe it. Why would you not want to keep your work?? I have art work that I am ashamed of yet I still kept it because I can look at the art work I produce today and then at the art work I produced back then, compare them, and say "yes I have improved" then be satisfied by that fact. Also I could understand why the art department didn't do something with the work that was left with them. A massive mosaic perhaps, or a sculpture. There are so many things they could do.

I couldn't understand it.

I nearly took the two paintings outside home. I said to John if they were still there on Wednesday that I will nab them. Might see if I can get that seat as well.

Still outraged though.

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