Saturday 28 January 2012

Vicky's 18th

Yesterday it was Vicky's 18th birthday!! Went straight from college to hers to get ready, stopping off at Lowen's house to get her stuff (her house is quite something) :) Then went to Wetherspoons to have a meal. Salena and Matt were there along with Tom (Vicky's brother), and Simon. It was nice to see Lena again, and although she has changed, and although I knew that the things or people she was talking about were not entirely true, I did feel sad and it showed that I had missed her an awful lot. Its difficult when you've known someone for quite along time to let go of some memories. Anyway, Salena is underage so she didnt go into the bars and clubs with us so we said bye to them at like 9ish. Went to different bars etc, danced, saw Amelia's Uncle in watermens (he was one of the bouncers) I kind of expected it, and was like "I know you" and he was like "yes you do" Random yes, and no at this point I wasnt yeah...idn lol. Some people are really nice when they're drunk- me, and Vicky started chatting away to this girl in the toilets, and then when Lowen and I sat down at one point, this really pretty asian guy started chatting to us... *sigh* He was sooo pretty and he's studying Marine Biology in Falmouth Uni. XD

But yeah, then went back to Vicky's and now Im majorally tired. But overall a good night and I hope she had a good birthday :D

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