Saturday 11 February 2012


Went bowling on Thursday night with my college friends, was good. Met John's new girlfriend Amy, I liked her :)  Much better than Sam by a long way. After the bowling we went back to Mia's and watched The Inbetweeners series. Got reallly tired and tried to go to sleep, Creedy got really drunk again as normal :P Then next day we cleaned the Chalet for Mia, I did quite a bit but that's my own fault. Then went down to Mia's house and sat at the kitchen table with her, John,Charlie and Creedy, with Boo flying around, sitting on our heads while Mia played her guitar. Felt a bit sick for a bit. Mia then decided that we would go to Penzance. Went around the shops for a bit, was raining so it wasn't as good as it could've been. Said goodbye to John who was going home via the bus. Mia got a new CD - well charity shop one, it was Outcast, one of the songs made you feel like you had been taking drugs or something kept changing styles and voices and words really randomly. Then went to pick up Harriet at her house. Evelyn has grown sooo much, she can wave,clap and say hi, it's really cute :P But poor Harriet though, Evelyn fell from her highchair on Thursday and got rushed to hospital, Harriet spent the entire night there on her own, and when she told her bf (Evelyn's dad) what had happened he refused to go and see his daughter and then when we were there and Harriet tried ringing him he told her that it was her fault their baby had hurt herself and that Harriet's a bad mum. I think hes a dick and shes better off without him to be honest. :/ We waited for about five hours for Harriet's mum to turn up to baby sit Evelyn. While we waited we started playing Charades :)  At about 9pm Harriet's Mum arrived in a massive mood so we left a bit suddenly. Harriet and Creedy wanted to go to Co-op to get food and while we waited for them Mia saw this guy she knew, wound down the window and called "Oi Cartilage, nice wheels" like she was the coolest thing around. He was like oh hi, so she goes "what you doing at Co-op?" In a voice like its her territory. He was like oh I'm getting drink. then he mentioned about how cold it was so Mia goes "I'm not cold I'm wearing a coat" Then he says and you're in a car. Then Mia suddenly goes "yeah. Nice seeing ya byeee" and winds up the window before he could even say bye back. Me and Charlie were cracking up :P
Anyway went back to Mia's, Creedy, Harriet and Charlie went back to the Chalet to get drunk but me and Mia decided to go back to her house and go to sleep. Best nights sleep ever. Had to get up early the next morning as she had to go to work and drop me off at the station. Had proper meals today, whereas on Thursday all  I had a MacDonald's, chips and a bit of pizza. Then on Friday all I had was a cup of soup and a croissant. So I was really hungry :) But yeah. That's what I did over the last two days. Not very interesting I know but it wasn't too bad :)

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