Wednesday, 7 November 2012

To be honest Im a bit useless

I worry that my friends think I'm neglecting them, or forgetting about them due to me being a bit useless.

That for one I never have credit and need to desperately get a new phone.
And two that due to the fact I never have my phone in my pocket, always in my bag or the next room I always hear it go off just a second too late.

Its really annoying and I feel it pisses my friends off quite a bit.

I just want to say that I love Amelia, Vicky and Hope to bits and I cant wait to see them and my other friends when I get back to Cornwall.
Being so far away has made me realise that I couldn't ask for better friends. At the same time its proven that wherever I go in my life they will always be there for me and vice versa.

But yeah, I'm basically apologising for me being a bit shit sometimes, sorry. :)


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