Friday 17 June 2011


At Flicka, met Toby, he is the most adorable donkey foal, hes not that confident with people yet but he springs around his mum in the stable, so full energy you cant help but be marveled by him.
I'm so proud of Bluebell and once again mother nature is beautiful. The birth of humans, animals and the creation of life, is so perfect that just for a second you wonder whether someone did think it all out, whether there is a higher being gently nudging creation and fate to take its course.

Other than that, today was hell.
My stamina is great, I can cope with a lot of physical work without complaining. In fact I seek it, I seek the pull on my muscles, I love feeling the slight pain of physical effort and being able to make my body fitter, to be able to see the results. I like to be able after all of that hard work I have put in, to turn around and see perfect results.

All am I going to say is, it is hard enough doing work at Flicka with two people, it is much easier with more than two. However two is better than nothing and if the two people can work together it can be done quickly.
Even so today me and Seb well....I felt that I did most of the work, and he avoided doing all of the things that he didn't like doing knowing that I would have to do it. With animals they come first, way above your own preferences. He infuriated me all day that I'm afraid that me being pissed off with him was not hidden subtly by me. Very crude indeed.

Despite this I believe he fecking deserved it.

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