Saturday 25 February 2012

I cant wait to get away

It finally seems real, that I might be going to University. I accepted Derby, I'm halfway through the Student Finance forms and I'm booking accommodation this week hopefully.
The fact I can get away from home means so much, it will make me appreciate the farm more, and Cornwall. It will mean I don't have to worry about what my family think and I will finally prove that I am a independent adult.
It also means that this course is my gateway to making a difference in this world, to preserving wildlife, this beautiful planet that we're on. Yes I know I sound like a tree hugger, but I guess I fucking am because this planet is the source of all thought and inspiration, without it we would not exist. Thus meaning there would be no art, no music, no drama, nothing creative at all. No inspiration, no technology. Nearly everything that is developed by humans is because of this planet, the food, body and earth that it provides.
But we take her for granted. Like a beautiful wife that you adore yet you take for granted, everything she does for you. You only realise this when worn out you decide to travel away from her.Whilst travelling you miss her, you come to terms with the fact that all you ever wanted was with her, not with lustful thoughts of others.
Humans are like a disease, spread on all corners of this earth destroying everything, we are also magnificent with the abundance of people, faith and life that we create. With this knowledge comes a terrible price, all that is pure suffers because of our thoughtlessness. We are so like sheep, determined to ignore until it is too late. We may be gifted with wisdom and mind power over other species but this makes us also very stupid. Thus showing us that our purpose as a species has become thwarted with our desire to find and explore things that ought to be left alone. Greed inhabits each of us. Animals are what we associate with lesser beings. Yet how can we be better than them when it is us that are destroying not only ourselves but entire populations of animals? We play god and they our children. But when did we ever have the divine right to take that power? When did they ever choose to become our victims?

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