Saturday 25 February 2012


There is always someone that is your tempter, the one that makes you aspire to be.
From once when you were young to when you are older, a hint of jealousy will always taint the love you hold for the other.
Perceived by the simplest of things- luck. Lucky that the other has a better life than you yet is too blinded by themselves to notice.
You view this hungrily and in discust, you cannot believe how careless they're being. How much they're throwing away.
You know of your own luck, and of how ironic to think that another may look at you in the same way, a never ending paper chain.
Regarding this, you step carefully around what you have, making sure you do not knock it over and destroy it like your aspired tends to do.
Then through the chaos created via the person you love, through their never ending willfulness, you are pushed to realise that yes you do envy them just a little, but you do not envy the choices or actions they have taken in their life. That you made the right ones and will feel the consequences of it, and that they one day will feel the consequences of their choices.
Then the aspired looks to back to you, will wait for your arms and comfort. You will step forward to enfold them but you stop...

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