Friday 6 April 2012

Babies, sticky notes, Shit head and Icecream

That's been pretty much the last few days for me. :)

Wednesday went to Vicky's to stay in her flat with Jordan and Lowen. Stayed last Sunday- her flat is lovely, really impressed, so much more room :) The walls I thought we're a bit plain so I painted Vicky a picture to add to them and some labels to put on her and Jordan's bedrooms. I stayed from Wednesday night to Friday morning. It was great spending so much time with Vicky and Jordan. Made me realise how much I value Vicky as a friend and how much I adore my little Godson. Just playing with him and making him laugh is a highlight of a day. He's also sooo naughty. He likes putting the TV on standby whilst we're watching a film, as he goes near it we all shout "NO!" he turns away from it then walks towards us, knowing that we now have to go "YAY!" because he's walking. :P One time he managed to get into the crisp cupboard and find his Easter Egg that Vicky had hidden away, got it out of the cardboard box and unwrapped it before we even noticed! The little Devil!! :P
We've basically been chilling, Lowen came over on Wednesday as well and me and her stuck postick notes all over the flat, we even did the entire sequence of the Harry Potter Puppet Pals Ticking noise on the Airing cupboard wall. :P Wednesday evening and Thursday evening Tom came over with Cider and Beer and helped us finish the crosswords we were doing that day. Who knew that they could be so fun!! :P And we've been constantly playing Irish Snap, Shithead, and Cheat. My poor hands have been bleeding all over the place :/ 
On Friday morning I then went to Amelia's, Harry Belafonte came over, I havent seen him in aaaages. It was nice to catch up, we then all went to the beach, and I talked to Amelia's Dad about the Student Finance forms and my dad. He said that I will have to ring the University to explain whats going on and see where to go from there. Then me and Amelia went and got ice creams went into town, came back watched Cars the movie and had KFC. Very unhealthy healthy good stuff :P It was great to see her. :)

Oh and I got a new jumper from a Charity shop ITS AMAZING!! Plus it only cost a fiver. XD

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