Tuesday, 25 December 2012

"Then she didn't want me anymore" - it was never like that. I thought everything would be fine, once you had come up to see me. That all of this would pass. But the moment you got off that bus slowly the realisation set in that things weren't the same. Not once did I think "I don't want you anymore" it was merely the fact that seeing you in so much pain hurt me too. There was nothing I could do to change that, the only person that could help you is yourself.
I'm glad, relived in fact that you believe I made a positive impact.
That Summer was also beautiful in my eyes, still is.
Things come to pass however, in just a few months I had changed. Not in a huge way but enough for me to look at things overall rather than selectively.
I still do care about you, think about you, look back on memories as you do.
But the feelings I felt had changed, I felt it in that week before you came up. I thought it was because I felt so crap. Now I know different. It was because I realised something. - but that's for another day.
It was never because I didn't want you. You are brilliant. - Fact. It'll just take you time to find this out for yourself. :)

Merry Christmas. x


  1. Merry Christmas, Ashley. Don't dwell on this too much today! Have a good day... x

  2. I knew that things would change when you went to uni, I just didnt expect all to end as quickly as they did. And ill never know what it was that you realized that made you change the way you felt, I dont know if thats a good or bad thing for me. Why didnt you say that you were hurt because of the way I was, you could have spoke to me about it rather than distance yourself from me...

    I'll never be brilliant because at the end of the day this didnt work because of me....

