Friday, 21 December 2012

Ive got soooo much revision to do it is ridiculous! I have no idea how I am going to get through these exams. On the upside I now know the names of every bone in the body including even the individual carpal, tarsal and facial bones... pretty sad I know but I need to remember this for my exam so :)
Me and David have been pretty much been complaining at each other everyday since we left Derby, as we both don't think we've done enough work to pass these exams.
Being back home is weird. Ambrose's absence is something I think about nearly every minute of every day. If I have nothing to occupy my mind at the time, then I will eventually turn into a crying wreck on the floor. I have been like this at home more often than I have been in Derby. Perhaps because of the constant amount of things to do at Derby, being surrounded by your friends all day.
At home it is different, the memories are always there.
I have as normal been worrying about one particular individual.
Ive been working everyday this week, apart from two days. Pretty stressful because of Xmas orders.

Saw Vicky, Amelia, and Hope which was good. I surprised Amelia which was funny. It was more awkward with Hope I felt but after a while we got back to our old selves so everything was good again :)
I also met up with Mia,John, Arran, Creedy and Charlie.
Mia, Creedy and Arran haven't changed a bit, John however, well he's still John but with very odd music taste now... I'm going to leave it to that.
Charlie, I am pretty pissed off and confused with. After two years of friendship, neither of us have once liked the other in a more than friend way. Which is pretty refreshing to be honest. But on Tuesday night he tried it on constantly. Going "we're two friends who don't see each other much, why not?" For one, I was shocked, secondly what a crap excuse. He must be desperate and thirdly we weren't even drunk. He doesn't have an excuse.
He left early Wednesday morning, I reckon he was pretty embarrassed. I told Mia and Creedy straight away. Mia was shocked. Creedy  on the other hand was practically asleep.
Anyway, despite this it was great to see them all, and I cannot wait for New Years which should be pretty sick!! That is if I can find a costume... :)

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